The Latest from CLR


Carceral Apartheid: Centering State Responsibility for the Racial Order

Racial harms are often attributed to private ordering. But the power of White communities to subordinate communities of color is not a constellation of private acts independent of state violence. When scrutinized, acts of racial exclusion, segregation, and violence persist to the…

by Ion Meyn

Student Note

“Split My Award with Whom?” A Case for Plaintiff Incentive Awards and Plaintiff-Attorney Fee Splitting in Class Action Lawsuits

Named plaintiffs are the heart of class action lawsuits—without them, there is no class action. To motivate these individuals to be the face of the class and compensate them for their role in the litigation process, courts typically approve named plaintiff incentive…

by Ilana Kruchenetskaya


Two Forms of Formalism in Contract Law

Formalism in contract interpretation has had many defenders and many critics. What lawmakers need, however, is an account of when formalism works and when it does not. This Article addresses that need by providing a general theory of contract exposition and differentiating…

by Gregory Klass

Student Note

A One-Egg Wonder: Working to Cure Judicial Gender Bias and Increase Access to Pre-Embryos for Infertile Parties

The first live birth of a child conceived from in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) happened in 1978. Today, over eight million children have been born through IVF procedures. The first dispute over the resulting pre-embryos was in 1990 when the Tennessee Supreme Court…

by Nicole Marks Kaufman


A Distinct System for Presidential Succession on Inauguration Day: Getting the Most Out of Section 3 of the Twentieth Amendment

The current presidential-succession statute uses the same line of succession for every conceivable situation. But there are many different types of potential succession scenarios. Succession need not—and should not—be governed by a one-size-fits-all approach. Before the Twentieth Amendment was ratified in 1933,…

by Brian C. Kalt


Human Capital Disclosure & Corporate Governance: The New Evidence

This Article explores the evolution of human capital disclosure—firm-supplied information about various workforce-related matters—as a factor in contemporary corporate governance. Regulatory and nonregulatory developments from recent years have upended longstanding practices and generated extensive new evidence. Most notably, the Securities and Exchange…

by George S. Georgiev

Student Note

Predetermined Event Wagering and Betting on the Past

The newfound freedom of states to legalize sports betting following the demise of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018 has led to rapid growth of the sports betting market. In an attempt to further capitalize on the appetite for…

by Emmaline Friederichs


Regulating Congressional Insider Trading: The Rotten Egg Approach

Introduction A 2004 study revealed that the stock portfolios of members of Congress were consistently outperforming those of the investing public. The financial success of federal lawmakers was statistically correlated to the use of nonpublic information obtained while performing legislative responsibilities—reasonably characterizable…

by Sarah J. Williams


Dignifying Queerness

In recent years, courts that have affirmed the right of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people to engage in same-sex activity have often invoked the value of dignity. They have done so in spite of the fact that same-sex activity, and…

by Ryan Thoreson

Student Note

A Missed Opportunity: Clarifying Presidential Power Under the Procurement Act

In late 2021, President Biden relied on the Procurement Act to sign an Executive Order effectively requiring every employee of any private company that contracts with the federal government to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. While the mandate was ultimately rescinded less…

by Anthony Porcelli

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The Federal Maritime Commission’s New Framework for Ocean Carrier Accountability: Analysis of the MCS Industries and OJ Commerce Decisions

This article examines two 2024 Federal Maritime Commission (FMC or “Commission”) cases that significantly impact the interpretation of ocean carrier accountability under the Shipping Act of 1984:[footnote]The Shipping Act of 1984, 46 U.S.C. § 41102(c) (stating that carriers “may not fail to establish,…

by Heewan Noh*, Jie Shi*

Student Note

Justice over Finality: Compassionate Release as a Mechanism to Correct Sentencing Errors

The passage of the First Step Act of 2018 provoked a wave of scholarship analyzing the impact of the Act on compassionate release. However, little attention has been paid to the newfound potential for sentencing errors to fit within the compassionate release…

by Eliza Stup


Expanding Homicide Liability for a Parent’s Omission

Earlier this year, Jennifer and James Crumbley were convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 10-15 years for not stopping their teenage son, Ethan, from killing four students at his high school. This is the first known occurrence of an American prosecutor obtaining a homicide conviction relying on a parental omission—or failure to act—where the victim was not the parent’s own child. Parental omissions historically have only triggered homicide charges if the parent fails to protect their child, not others, from harm. Unlike the general population, parents owe a special duty to their child because they are the ones tasked to oversee the child’s care. The Crumbley verdict has dislodged this longstanding criminal precedent. It has expanded a parent’s common law duty to include protection of the would-be victims of their child’s criminal acts. Recently, Georgia has brought manslaughter charges against the parent of a school shooter under similar circumstances. This Essay provides the first legal assessment of this prosecutorial theory and analyzes the various doctrinal, constitutional, and policy considerations surrounding its use.

by Monu Bedi

Student Note

Professional Norms at a Crossroads: Farhane and Its Implications for Legal Counsel

This Note examines the right to effective assistance of counsel during guilty pleas through the lens of the pending Second Circuit case Farhane v. United States. This case will have significant implications for the right to effective legal representation, particularly in terms of defense attorneys’ duty to warn clients of the potential risk of denaturalization as a consequence of pleading guilty. In May 2024, the court reheard Farhane en banc and will issue a decision later this year. If this opinion aligns with the court’s initial decision, it will severely limit the rights of all defendants in criminal proceedings in the Second Circuit. This Note traces the development of the right to effective assistance of counsel to contextualize Farhane. This Note then critiques the initial Farhane decision, highlighting its incongruity with historical approaches to ineffective assistance of counsel (IAC) claims. This Note then argues for a shift toward a client-centric and circumstance-specific approach to IAC claims. Such approach would be grounded in evolving professional norms and acknowledge the severe nature of certain consequences to ensure defendants receive comprehensive legal counsel during plea negotiations. This Note contends that courts should demand more “competent” counsel to protect the fairness of plea bargaining and the overall integrity of the criminal justice system.

by Hayley Sandoval


Corn War: A Trade Fight Between the United States and Mexico

An international fight grows over corn. The United States claims that México’s ban on genetically modified corn for human consumption violates the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). A trade panel will review México’s ban, deferring to the level set by México, and then evaluate American complaints on standards, trade restrictions, and risks. The upshot: the USMCA is not the clear free trade answer the United States seeks. Because of this, it should pursue resolution versus fruitless legal conflict.

by Ernesto Hernández-López


Harnessing Hypocrisy: A Crack in The Supreme Court’s Colorblindness Mask

This Essay contends that the Supreme Court’s denial of certiorari in Harness v. Watson stands as a testament to its hypocrisy. The day after the Court professed an allegiance to promoting racial equality in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, it refused to even consider invalidating a clear barrier to racial equality. The day after the Court struck down a remedy designed to address a long, sad, and painful history of racism, the Court left undisturbed an obvious symbol of this long, sad, and painful history of racism. When juxtaposed against both the denial of certiorari in Harness and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s searing dissent for denial of certiorari, the Students for Fair Admissions majority’s lofty pronouncements about opposing racism amount to pure smoke and mirrors. The consistent through line that connects Students for Fair Admissions and Harness is the Roberts Court’s commitment to preserving anti-Black racism.

by Zamir Ben-Dan

Student Note

Meaningful or Meaningless? The Temporal Scope of the Constitutional Right of Access to Courts for Incarcerated Litigants

This Note will advocate for the position taken by the Third and Seventh Circuits that incarcerated individuals’ right to affirmative assistance in accessing legal materials extends past the pleading stage to all stages of civil rights claims and post-conviction criminal appeals. U.S. Supreme Court precedent supports this position, and judicial clarity on this issue is required to best protect the constitutional right of access in light of significant existing barriers to incarcerated litigants’ access to courts.

by Alison Aimers


Reforming Informed Consent to Include Comprehension: A Proposal to Promote Equity in Medical Decision-Making

The ethical goals of the legal doctrine of informed consent are lofty. The law requires that clinicians explain the risks, benefits, and alternatives of proposed treatments to patients, and to respect patient autonomy through voluntary, informed medical decisions aligned with individual values and preferences. Yet in practice, patients often struggle to comprehend the risks and alternatives of a proposed medical intervention. Since investigators began analyzing the sufficiency of informed consent, it has been recognized that the current rules, which focus solely on clinical disclosures, are inadequate in addressing disparities associated with education, race/ethnicity, and age. Despite technically “adequate” disclosures under the legal doctrine of informed consent, patients may consent to major procedures with little substantive grasp of the risks. Shifting the law’s emphasis from disclosures alone to disclosure and comprehension will better align the ethical goals of informed consent with the legal rules that govern it.

by Valerie Gutmann Koch


Against Gap-Filling

Legal scholars delight in gap-filling. They frequently claim that their works have identified a gap in the literature and to have filled (or begun filling) that gap. However, all too often, these same papers fail to explain why the gap needed to be filled at all. Indeed, despite a robust tradition of meta-scholarship, the legal literature is largely devoid of a theory of academic gap-filling. This essay fills that gap, arguing that gap-filling for the sake of gap-filling is an error for three interconnected reasons. First, gaps might exist for a good reason. Second, concern with gap-filling is often a misguided attempt to address other issues that are tangential to legal scholarship. Finally, focusing on gaps is incredibly limiting. Instead, this essay suggests that legal scholars should focus on exploring questions that interest them, regardless of whether that exploration leads them to a “gap.”

by Noah C. Chauvin


Revisiting the Disability Integration Presumption

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA) predecessor established a legal presumption in favor of educating all students with disabilities in an integrated, “least restrictive environment” (LRE) to the “maximum extent appropriate.” Yet, the precise meaning of this statutory presumption remains unsettled, which has led to mounting special education disputes in federal court. This Article addresses a less developed area of IDEA litigation: namely, how federal courts should interpret this statutory presumption in light of the disproportionate placement of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in separate settings.

by Chris Yarrell

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